Conference documentary | CMO Grig: MOS is an all-round comprehensive financial ecosystem

Molecular Future
4 min readAug 13, 2020

MOS Chain Testnet Conference of Molecular Future

Two years since the MOS project was set up, Molecular Future has been revealing the embryonic form of new financial world, with the official launch of MOS financial chain on August 10th.

We had Grigorij Richters, the CMO of Molecular Future, for this conference. The livestreaming was simultaneously broadcasted in Zoom and Jinse Live Rooms, which had attracted over 10 thousand audiences around the world.

Grigorij made his debut as the CMO of Molecular Future, and introduced his experience of co-founding Asteroid Day with QUEEN guitarist Dr. Brian May and Apollo 9 astronaut Schweickart. The United Nations has proclaimed it be the International Day of Remembrance.

Grigorij Introduces MOS Financial Chain

MOS Testnet Block Explorer MOScan :

Interface of MOScan
MOScam Interface

Clips of Q&A session

The vision of Molecular Future

Moderator: As you said, MOS is a decentralized financial public chain, and it has attracted a lot of attention recently. Could you please elaborate on what reason made the Molecular Future team decide to build such a financial public chain, or what is the vision for Molecular Future?

CMO Grig: First of all, we all know that blockchain technology has achieved great success in many projects and has also solved or is solving many problems in traditional industries. From a technical point of view, what blockchain brings to mankind is a fair and transparent network mechanism that ensures that the user’s on-chain assets are well protected. With the increasing popularity of digital asset transactions, the traditional financial ecosystem is gradually being mirrored in the blockchain world; and it is growing rapidly, resulting in an urgent need for a stable, efficient and credible financial public chain with a strong infrastructure.

In 2018, the market value of the U.S. stock market was as high as 30.4 trillion dollars, and the daily transaction volume of the global financial market is as high as tens of trillions of dollars. However, there is still no real blockchain financial project that can provide services at such a scale. Therefore, we want to create an advanced public chain that can address the chain requirements of various financial services. Compared with other public chains, MOS financial public chain will be best suited to change the business models of traditional financial service providers. This is our core philosophy behind the MOS financial public chain.

How will MRC20 and MRC21 work on MOS chain

Moderator: Earlier we mentioned that MOS enables users to issue various tokens on the MOS chain by implementing an account model. Can you talk about how MRC20 and MRC21 are implemented on the MOS chain?

CMO Grig: An account (Account) is the smallest unit that has ownership of assets on MOS main chain. Accounts hold data such as the balance of different digital assets, the current state of asset, and the number of transactions. These digital assets have the same ownership.

MRC20 is the specification of homogenized digital assets issued on the MOS public chain. The MRC20 specification not only provides some operations like the Ethereum ERC20 specification, including obtaining the total supply of tokens, obtaining account balances and transferring tokens, but also supports the addition of stablecoins, additional token issuance and token burning. MRC20 also allows the locking and unlocking of tokens, thereby controlling whether the account holding the token can or cannot use its tokens.

MRC21 is a specification for non-homogeneous digital assets issued on the MOS public chain. MRC21 can realize the issuance of tokens, token transfer, token query, and account token balance. The smart contract already supports token query and transaction functions.

MRC20 and MRC21 allow users to issue tokens on the MOS chain according to their own needs, and tokens can be transferred between accounts on the MOS public chain.

How will MOS complete the construction of ecosystem?

Moderator: From what you presented, the ecosystem created by MOS is a comprehensive financial ecosystem. I can feel that your plan is all-around. I wonder how Molecular Future team realizes the construction of this great ecosystem?

CMO Grig: MOS’ underlying chain is equivalent to the infrastructure of the blockchain financial industry. Due to the important role of the public chain, its room for develop is large, but so are its requirements to operate. Only when the underlying financial public chain operates steadily and efficiently can blockchain financial commercial applications be developed and implemented.

As the world’s leading financial public chain, MOS has both technology and innovative ideas. We have a hybrid consensus to ensure security and efficiency, a P2P network, a sub-domain collection to achieve on-chain governance, and cross-chain transfers to enable commercial operations. It is foreseeable that after the launch of MOS, coupled with the strong demand for blockchainization of financial services, many blockchain financial applications will come onto the MOS chain. The MOS financial public chain system will become a decentralized platform of financial applications. These blockchain financial applications will build within the MOS ecosystem where they can freely connect and integrate amongst themselves.

MOS Website:

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Molecular Future

Molecular Future is committed to creating a global one-stop digital asset investment service platform.